
ČKA ARENA - Kurta Konráda 1 - PRAGUE 9 - TRAMS 8, 25 - Ocelářská map

Echofluxx 13

The Echofluxx 13 is a festival of new media, visual art, and experimental music produced by Efemera of Prague with Anja Kaufmann and Dan Senn, co-directors. In cooperation with Sylva Smejkalová and early reflections, the Prague music school (HAMU), and Academy of Fine Arts (AVU), Echofluxx 13 will present international and Czech presenters in a five-day festival at the Tracfačka Arena in Prague, Kurta Konráda 1, Prague 9, May 7-11, 2013. For more information contact: info@echofluxx.org

Gallery Exhibition curated by Diana Winklerová, Blanka Švédová and Lucie Šmardová.
Media Performances curated by Dan Senn and Anja Kaufmann
Concert of Experimental New Music curated by Sylva Smejkalová of early reflections
Live Streaming of Performances by Anja Kaufmann
Festival Celebration Party the Echofluxx Ensemble and Michal Cimala

Festival Concept

The echo of the fluxus movement resonates in this time—a ongoing hedge against the exclusivity of discipline-specific art and music. Echofluxx 13, a festival of new media, art and music, presents a spectrum of new art and music, from experimental film and poetry, to experimental music and art. It uses an organic curatorial method, with artists suggesting artists who would like to present with other artists, and so on. The festival is made possible with the assistance of volunteer help and in-kind support.

With Special Thanks to...

Jiří Sovinec & Petra Vlachynská equipment transportation, Jan Kribek poster design, press release, Martin Janíček pedestals, lighting, chairs (Palmovka Synagogue), Stanley Pavoda lighting power supply, Michal Rataj and HAMU sound system, Aleš Zemene and Micahl Cimala cables, tables, building materials, internet access.



Efemera of Prague - Festival Organizers

Dan Senn (USA), Anja Kaufmann (Swiss), Sylva Smejkalová (Czech), Petra Vlachynská (Czech), Diana Winklerová (Czech), David Means (USA); Lucie Šmardová (Prague), Blanka Švédova (Czech), Tereza Kučerová (Czech) and Caroline Senn (Australia), Jan Trojan (Czech).

Anja Kaufmann (Swiss) is an electronic music composer and artist. Her work investigates scientific phenomena, social studies and information architecture. She studied new media and biology in Basel, Switzerland. A very diverse artist, she has presented exhibitions, concerts, radio shows in the field of audio art in Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and The Netherlands. In 2008, she presented at the Multiastronomy symposium in Prague. Since 2007 she has  produced a regular radio show for So21 in Zürich, a community of sound artists. She won film music prized at Flimmernacht Germany in 2004 and the new media prize for Sitemapping in Switzerland in 2006. Anja has co-directed Echofluxx 11, 12 and 13. See Echofluxx 11 performance with Frances Sander.

Dan Senn (USA) is an intermedia artist in the fluxus tradition working in music composition, kinetic sound sculpture, experimental and documentary film. In the 1980s and 90s he was a professor of music and art in the United States and Australia. Dan travels internationally as a lecturer, performer and installation artist and lives in Prague, Czech Republic, where he directs the Echofluxx media art festivals, and in Watertown, Wisconsin, the USA, with his partner Caroline Daniel Senn. He studied music and art at the University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse with Truman Daniel Hayes and Leonard Stach, and at the University of Illinois, Urbana, with Salvatore Martirano, Ben Johnston and Herbert Brun. His music is published by Smith Publications of Baltimore. Dan founded Newsense-Intermedium of Tacoma, Washington, and cofounded Roulette Intermedium of New York City. He is artistic director of Efemera of Prague. Caroline Daniel Senn (Australia) is a composer, pianist, video artist and organizer from Sydney, Australia, now living in the United States. She has a degree in composition and piano performance from the Canberra School of Music, Australia. Recently her work has concentrated on the use of found texts and incidental video taken using low resolution capture devices. yt

David Means (USA) graphic scores, instal- lations and performance systems have been exhibited and presented by the Walker Art Center, IRCAM, Documenta IX, the Xi An Conservatory of Music (China), Het Stroomhuis (Holland), Logos Foundation (Belgium) and the Arts Council of Great Britain. He is currently an Associate Professor of Media and Fine Arts and producer of the Strange Attractors Festival of Experimental Intermedia Art at Metropolitan State University. David contributed greatly to Echofluxx 12 as a technician, performer, U-Stream interviewer and video-photo documentarian for Echofluxx 12.

see sound check sechedule

Festival Schedule

Tuesday, May 7: festival gallery exhibition (opening) 6p; Michael Schumacher (New York); Martin Blažíček and Michal Zbořil (Prague). Opening party with Jamchestra. Presentations start at 8p.

Wednesday, May 8: gallery/installations ongoing; Brigid Burke (Melbourne, Australia); Michal Cáb (Prague) with Peter Gonda (Bratislava); Martin Janíček (Prague) and Bethany Lacktorin (Minneapolis). Presentations start at 8p.

Thursday, May 9: gallery/installations ongoing; early reflections – concert of new music by OEM ARTS with Ladislav Železný; Joanna Adamczewska (Poznan); Norbert Möslang (St. Gallen). Presentations start at 8p.

Friday, May 10: gallery/installations ongoing;
Jolana Havelková (Kolín) and Lucie Vítkova (Brno); K.U.N.T.Z. Zirkus (Prague). Presentations start 8p.

Saturday, May 11: gallery/installations final day; Echofluxx Ensemble with Anja Kaufmann, David Means, Dan Senn and others (TBA); Yves Degoyan (Paris); and Michal Cimala (Prague), Aleš Zemene (Prague) and Paul Aloise (Montreal). Presentations start at 8p.

 K.U.N.T.Z. ZIRKUS performing (click photo for video)

early relections presents...

oΞΣ ARTS [objects ' electronics ' music] is a Czech art group comprising and connecting contemporary artists from the fields of sound performance, animation, and light design. Inspired by experimental art forms using a mix of sound – noise – silence, they specialize mainly in sound performances and installations. The group’s structure is fluctuating with a stable core.

Jakub Rataj, Ivan Boreš, Jan Trojan and Jiři Lukeš

About early relections
Sylva Smejkalová (Prague) founded, in 2003, along with fellow composer Michal Trnka, "early reflections" for the promotion of Czech and international contemporary classical music. Projects have included domestic and foreign festivals such as Festival Alternativa, Moscow, Der Film Festival, Prague, and now Echofluxx 12. Born in 1974 in Ostrava, Sylva studied at the Janacek Conservatory in Ostrava and then at the Prague Academy of Performing Arts in Prague where she earned master's degree in music composition and music direction. Read full bio. Contact: music@echofluxx.org

Michal Kohút - ignition4 (2013) (click image for video)

Gallery Exhibition

Výraz interiéru opuštěné průmyslové architektury bývalé trafostanice předjímá do značné míry existenciální vnímání. Původní účel prostoru zůstal zachycen v obrysových tvarech, vyprázdněné formy postrádající svou náplň. Nabízí se řada možností, jak prostor znovu naplnit, rozvinout a aktualizovat. Z toho vyplývá i následující výběr vystavujících umělců.

The industrial interior of an abandoned electrical substation anticipates largely existential perception. The original purpose of this space has remained frozen in the contours, shapes and forms now devoid of content. Thus, it offers an array of options how to fill, update and redevelop the space again. This implies the following selection of the exhibiting artists.

Exhibition Artists


Alessandra Svatek a Artur Magrot (CZ) spolupracují od roku 2010. Často si vybírají materiály každodenní potřeby, které potom používají experimentálním způsobem. Tvoří především ve veřejném prostoru na streetartových principech, ale vyskytují se i v galeriích, s instalacemi, obrazy a objekty. Jsou zakladateli projektu Ukradená galerie. Artur Magrot and Alessandra Svatek (CZ) have been working together since 2010. They often choose everyday materials, which are used experimentally. Their work is mainly presented in public spaces,  according to street art-principles, but you can find their installations, paintings and objects also in galleries. Alessandra and Artur are the founders of the Stolen Gallery project.

Karel Kunc (CZ) studuje v ateliéru prostorových forem Jiřího Příhody na AVU v Praze. Prostor hraje v jeho realizacích zásadní roli, jeho konkrétní výsek je mu rámem pro fyzické prožívání myšleného. Karel Kunc (CZ) studies in the studio of Spatial Forms headed by Jiří Příhoda at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Space plays a significant role in the implementation of his work.

ulius Reichel (CZ) studuje v Ateliéru intermediální konfrontace Jiřího Davida a Milana Saláka na VŠUP v Praze. Také pro popis jeho zacházení s médii malby a instalace lze použít slova z názvu ateliéru. Intermedialita v užití materiálu a konfrontačnost nejen v jeho mísení, prostupování forem a smělých vstupech do veřejného prostoru, ale především v nastolování situací s očekáváním reakce, anebo naopak, v horším případě. Julius Reichel (CZ)  studies in the studio of Intermedia and Confrontation Art headed by Jiří David and Milan Salák at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Also, the description of how he treats his work by the media of painting and installation can use words from the title of the studio. Intermediality in the use of materials and confrontation in the situation when the art is facing the expectations of the reaction when mixing, interpenetrating forms and bold entrance into public space.

Michal Kohút (CZ) studuje v posledním ročníku pražské VŠUP v ateliéru sochařství pod vedením Kurta Gebauera. Promyšlený a zároveň hravý jazyk jeho tvorby je nejčastěji vyjádřen krátkými akcemi, objekty či instalacemi. Jejich interaktivní potenciál je většinou dokumentován videozáznamem. Jasné sdělení a citlivou poetičnost děl mnohdy předchází důmyslně sestrojené objekty nebo naopak bystrá intervence v prostoru. Michal Kohút (CZ) is a student in the final year of the Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in sculpture studio headed by Kurt Gebauer. Sophisticated and playful at the same time the language of his work is most often expressed in short actions, objects and installations. The interactive potential is usually documented by video recording. Clear communication and sensitive poetic works often precedes ingeniously constructed objects or vice versa sharp intervention in space.

Koordinátorkami doprovodné výstavyls festivalu Echofluxx 13. jsou (absolventka Teorie nových médií a designu na VŠUP v Praze) a Lucie Šmardová, Blanka Švédová (kurátorka Fotofestivalu v Uničově, studentka Dějin uměnu FF MU v Brně) a Diana Winklerová (absolventka VŠUP ateliéru sochařství Kurta Gebauera, zabývá se volným  uměním a hudbou).
Coordinators of the exhibition festival Echofluxx 13th are Lucie Šmardová (graduate of Theory of new media and design at the AAAD in Prague), Blanka Švédová
(curator of Photofest
ival in Uničov, studying Art history at Masaryk University in Brno) and Diana Winklerová (graduate of the AAAD sculpture studio of Kurt Gebauer, deals with fine art and music).

early relections - Artists

Ladislav Železný (Prague) was born in 1979 in Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic.
He studied at the Secondary Ceramic School in Bechyne, independent Intermedia School in Bechyne (PeaDr. Jan Svoboda), faculty of Fine Arts VUT Brno (department video and multimedia, and the Keiko Sei, Peter Rónai, Richard Fajnor) He is  a freelance artist, an educator at the Faculty of Fine Arts Brno (Multimedia department), and a sound designer for Czech radio. He is interested in the communication between mediums as a spectator while trying to return the original meaning that has for life specificially in connection with soundart and radiophonic creation as a possible means for communication. He is interested in participation, preparation and realization of various workshops, symposia, exhibitions, radio projects. Participation at various exhibitions, project and symposia in abroad.

Ivan Boreš (Prague) Ivan Boreš is an innovator and inventor of a couple of guitar techniques, he devotes himself to compositions activities for 1/2 (Spectrum no.5) and 1/4 guitar, (hommage to Alois Hába) ensemble etc...He cooperates with porfomers and composers of contemporanious music. He performed his author´s compositions e.g. in Manchester /UK/ for Guitar Circle /concert series 2012 /, guitar interpreter seminars in Zurich /University of the Arts /in International Guitar Festival BRNO 2010, he played in the festival Echoflux 2011, The Guitar transvensely the Genres 2010, Vadehas festival 2009 /Mandoe/, in concert hall in Paxos-Greece and in many other places in Europe /as a club musician in Tomáš Mach´s band and Císař band/. At present he also plays in OEM Arts band /object, electronic, music/, he has found the metal band VAN, devotes himself to the project the Wind and Whiff, flamenco and he is making CD ready. See Echofluxx 11 solo performance.

Jan Trojan (Prague) is a composer, musician and sound designer. He was born in 1982 in Duchcov. In the 2012 he finished his Ph.D. in the field of of acoustic ecology and soundscape at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He participated e.g. in the ISA composition classes and took up two semesters of residency at the Universität der Künste in Berlin (2011-12). Since 2012 he lectures about electroacoustic music at Faculty of Composition at HAMU in Prague. He also works as sound designer in the Czech Radio. Jan Trojan creates and takes part in sound performances, both as soloist or with a group of his experimentative co-players. He finds the world around him a rich and diverse landscape of sounds, which he journeys through with great interest.  yt

Jakub Rataj (Prague) is a composer and performer of contemporary music. He composes mainly orchestral, chamber and electroacoustic compositions. He also composes music for film and theatre. Recently he presents sound performances and sound installations. Jakub is a member of the OEM ARTS - Czech art group comprising of and connecting contemporary artists from the fields of sound performance, animation, and light design.

Jiří Lukeš (Prague) is a composer and accordionist. He studied composition with Eduard Douša, followed by studies at Academy of Performing Arts in Prague with Ivana Loudová. As an accordionist he play mostly czech contemporary chamber music and music for solo. As a composer he is recently interrested in intermedial projects and live electronics. He is a member of the OEM ARTS - art group giving sound performances and audiovisual projects.

cimalaMichal Cimala (Prague) is an unique figure in the contemporary Czech contemporary art. He was born in 1975 in Havířov and graduated at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague where he was a student in the metal and jewellery studio headed by V. K. Novák. He operates on the borders of design and free art, using diverse materials and  media. Michal will be performing with Aleš Zemene and Paul Aloisi. yt

Aleš Zemene (Prague) is an inter- disciplinary artist who has worked throughout Europe and in Asia. He has developed multimedia software for ambisonic installations and applications for audio-visual performances. He has also programmed and lectured in Pure Data environment and is involved in art production in various European countries. In performances he works with audio, video and data, analog and digital, combining these in live coding sessions. He uses only free software. Aleš is the founder of Whitelabel.name Production, and is a member of mur.at network community. He currently works in Prague and Berlin on Open Source platforms for various projects.

Paul Aloisi (Canada) internationally exhibiting artist, works across and integrates disciplines including sculpture, installation and mixed media abstraction. His recent work has explored human interaction and communication through investigations of public space, architecture, mass media and their relationships. His practice involves both permanent public artworks and unsolicited temporary interventions to engage the public and stimulate their participation in 'moments of art'. Through experience of these works he aims to reveal the participant's impact on and connection with public space and the social collective.  Aloisi's studio practice is balanced by participation in both formal and informal artist residencies and by arts education opportunities with Luminato Festival (Arts Ed Programming), Toronto District School Board (O.A.C. Arts Education grants) and OCAD University (Faculty).  His work with independent music collective Rhythmicru has generated a discography of 6 albums.
Echofluxx 13 Video Documentation

(Click on artist for video)
Michal Cáb and Peter Gonda,
OEM, Lucie Vitková and Jolana Havelková, Martin Blažíček and Michal Žboříl, Brigid Burke, Martin Janíček and Bethany Lachtorin, Michael Schumacher, Jamchestra, Joanna Adamczewska, Echofluxx Ensemble, Michal Cimala, Frances Sander & Dima Borzon, and Yves Degoyan.

Performing A

mjsMichael Schumacher (Brooklyn) is a composer, performer and installation artist who  works predominantly with electronic and digital media, creating computer generated sound environments that evolve continuously for long time periods. In their realization, Schumacher uses multiple speaker configurations that relate the sounds of the installation to the architecture of the exhibition space. Architectural and acoustical considerations thereby become basic structural elements. His sound installations have been heard at festivals and venues in North America, Europe and Asia. XI Records has published a DVD set of five sound installations, playable on up to eight speakers, which may be installed on a computer to create generative sound environments in the home. Schumacher’s composition “Grid”, a computer generated score that unfolds in real time, has been in exhibitions in New York, Barcelona and Houston. His CD "Room Pieces", also on XI Records, was rated best of 2003 for “modern composition” by The Wire magazine.yt

norbertNorbert Möslang (St. Gallen) is a Swiss improvisor, saxophonist and clarinetist; plays cracked everyday-electronics. worked with Voice Crack until the end of 2002, poire_z and king übü örchestrü played with borbetomagus, otomo yoshihide, günter müller, erikm, jérôme noetinger, lionel marchetti, jim o'rourke, kevin drumm, jason kahn, oren ambarchi, tomas korber, keith rowe, I-sound, toshi nakamura, maria, keiichiro shibuya, aube, carlos zingaro, christian weber, florian hecker u.o.he works also in the visual arts. yt

bergnerBrigid Burke (Melbourne) is an Australian composer, clarinettist, visual artist and video-maker. She has had works performed extensively both nationally and internationally. Most recently, she has performed in the Generative Arts Festivals in Rome & Milan Italy, Asian Music Festivals, The Melbourne International Arts Festival, Futura Music Festival Paris France, Mona Foma Festival Hobart, The International Clarinet Festivals in Japan and Canada also Seoul and Australian International Computer Music Festivals. She was Artist in Residence at ADM NTU Singapore. She has been a recipient of an Australia Council Performing Arts Music Project Fellowship. She also curates Seensound Visual/Music series at LOOP Bar Melbourne Australia. VIMEO.

hanzlikJoanna Adamczewska (Poznan) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, in 1980-1985. She does primarily bookart and space arrangement. Since the late 1980s she has been working on “Acoustic Books” a cycle of unique books which she has presented at many show-concerts. She is the author of such books as “The Bible” (1983), “Image of...” (1987-1992), “Polish Alphabet” /35th books/ (1990) a cycle of books based on the Polish alphabet /35 letters/. She showed her works at many exhibitions, such as Akumulatory 2 Gallery Poznań, Concordia Art Gallery Montreal, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Galerie Ermer, Berlin, Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, Bunkier Sztuki Cracow, AT Gallery Poznań, National Museum in Poznań. She lives and works in Poznań. Read interview.

Joanna Adamczewska performing "Acoustic Books"
National Museum, Poznan. (click photo to enlarge)

mrkusMichal Cáb (Prague) oscilates in his productions between sound and image, discreet activism and natural humbleness, inventive collaborations and concentrated singleness.He teaches, plays and works with open software (PD), code and feed-back. During the audiovisual performance he underlines both noise and silence, and thus radically mediates their aesthetic quality. ARTYCHOK.TV. Michel will be collaboarting with visuals by Peter Gonda (Bratislava) who provides this text concerning his work: "Nonlinear abstract story-telling. eye-gouging moire aesthetics. Complex flows of synthetised visuals. Blinkenlights. Discrete vjing was obsolete way before THEY came up with it. Everything is everything. Realtime."

Martin Blažíček (Prague) is a film/video maker, media blazartist. Graduated at Film Academy Prague (FAMU) as film/video editor. Inspired by structural film of the 70s created a number of films on 8 and 16mm format since 1997. Since 2000 performed live film and video with various groups, such as Ultra (2000-02) and Mikroloops (2007-11). Since mid-00s performed live improvised video based on wide range of inner/outer interactivity of sound, image and physical objects. He previously cooperated with Martin Ježek, Tonic Train, Guyla Nemes, Beth Custer, Andras Blazsek (Blazsek/Blazicek duo), Arszyn, Kateřina Zochová, Hannes Hoelzl, Bryan Eubanks and many others. He curated NoLab at Roxy/Nod Experimental space Prague (2007-2009), since 2010 curated ScreenLab at Školská 28 Gallery Prague. Founding mamber of Mediabaze.cz project. He published texts on music, film and media arts in Cinepur, A2, Film a doba and other journals. He teaches at the Center for Audiovisual studies at the Film academy of performing arts.yt

zborilMichal Zbořil (Prague) is a composer and improvisor using electronic instruments such as Korg synthesizers. (more coming). 

Jolana Havelková (Kolín) Jolana Havelková is a contemporary Czech photographer, filmmaker, curator and university lecturer. She graduated from the Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian University in Opava. In the years 1999–2008 she lectured at the Faculty of Arts and Design at the Univerzity of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem (Studio of Applied Photography and Studio of Digital Media). Her work is focused on conceptual photography, deals with minor interventions into the environment (site-specific art). She is involved in the mail-art, experimental and musical projects, on which cooperates with artists of different disciplines.  She invited composer and musician Lucie Vítková to participate in the acoustic-visual project entitled Proposal to change the score. Jolana Havelková had individual exhibitions in different places; her works are often selected for various joint exhibition of contemporary art (e.g. Czech Photo of 20th century, Czech Contemporary Landscape or Photogenic Identity, The Intimate Circle). As a filmmaker she collaborated on documentaries Photographer František Drtikol and  World and Image about Tomáš Špidlík. Since 1993, co-organizes Photographic festival Funke´s Kolín.
She prepared series of exhibitions in the field of photography and contemporary art (Status Nascendi, Bedřich Grünzweig and others). The Kant publisher house published her book of photographs named Kolín with essays by Josef Škvorecký and the book The Illusionist´s Love Affairs, illustrated by her images.
(Read Czech version of bio) See photo diary below. See "Proposal for Alteration of the Score." Graphic inset is kettledrums - voice - coat hooks - cabinet-floor. See brochure. Click graphics to enlarge.

Lucie Vítková (Brno) studied accordion (with Miroslav Morys) and composition (with Pavel Novák Zemek) at Conservatory Brno (2004 – 2010). Since 2008 she has been studying at Janáček´s Academy Brno, composition with Martin Smolka and improvisation with Jaroslav Šťastný (aka Peter Graham). Between 2011 - 2012 she studied composition and sonology at Royal Conservatory in The Hague (NL), where she was active as a member of three ensembles  - Electroacoustic Ensemble of the Sonology Department (accordion, harmonica, voice), DaMu (tap dance), Atelier Ensemble of Royal Conservatoire (accordion, harmonica, voice). She currently studied composition under Michael Pisaro and performance with Jacqueline Bobak at California Institute of the Arts (USA). Lucie regularly performs at gallery openings, where she creates improvisation-compositions inspired by the artists´ work (Hugo Demartini, Václav Krůček, Vladimír Skrepl, Zbyněk Sekal, Viktor Hulík, Petr Nikl, Jindřich Zeithamml, Jan Turner, Alice Nikitinová, Els Moes, Nosch, Pavel Korbička, Jan Koblasa, Lubomír Přibyl, Dalibor Chatrný, Alena Foustková). She collaborates with visual artist Pavel Korbička (Acoustic Paintings, Madialogue) and photographer Jolana Havelková (Proposal for an Alteration of the Score). In Czech Republic, she is a member of the improvisation ensembles such as Marijan, Dunami and Prague Improvisation Orchestra.sclogo Graphic inset is Pozdrav vlasti varhany -šum varhan organ - organ noise. Read Czech version of bio. See Návrh na změnu partitury by Jolana Havelková, Lucie Vítková.  

Click graphics to enlarge.

(below) Muziky, muziky foukací harmonika - plech harmonica - sheet of tin

(below) Naše zlatá Praha - akordeon-zvuky z prostředi - accordion-sounds of the environment

Click graphics to enlarge.

Jolana and Lucie (click photo to enlarge)

yvesYves Degoyon (Paris), a.k.a d.R.e.G.S. (direct Raw experimental Gran Stamina), is experimenting in non-conventional interfaces and sound/video interactivity for more than 10 years. Apart form developping his own tools to escape from the sound of commercial produced electronic music, he's involved in the noise scene and collaborated with other noise freaks building their own instruments like elpueblodechina ( CL ), Evil Moisture ( GB ), Tom Schouten ( BE ) or Dirar Kalash ( PS ). He thinks that you can't get off the track of main stream music if you're not investigating in new tools and devices and practice the DIY/DWO philosophy. He is connected with many people in Open Source and DIY electronics micro-world and made several workshops in Spain, Holland, Egypt, Palestine, and elsewhere. His music can be described as a permanent deconstruction and reconstruction of musical patterns, leading to strange juxtapositions as his influences are quite wide, form electro-acoustic to gabber and anarcho-punk. See videos Hear sound.

Light boxes by Martin Janíček

Martin Janíček (Prague) is a soundartist, sculptor and musician investigating acoustic qualities of various materials and spaces. Creates original sound instruments, interactive objects and installations, radiocompositions, spatial compositions.Studied at AFA, Prague, 1990-1997and later assisted at conceptual department of  prof. M.Šejn –till 2002. Often site specific works since 2000 member of mamapapa c.a., where with T.Žižka relised row of  important local and international projcets. Martin will be performing with Bethany Lacktorin. See performance with Petr Ferenc at Echofluxx 11.

Bethany Lacktorin (Minneapolis) is a sound artist, engineer amd multi- instrumentalist She is as Korean American, originally from Minneapolis, currently living and working in Prague, CZ. Performing as improvisational multi-instrumentalist Beseppy, she works with various electronic devices, violin, vocalizations, collaborative and interactive sound sources. A freelance audio engineer for TV and film post-production, Bethany has earned credit on several independent films and documentaries, recorded and released a handful of albums, and produced and performed in exhibitions throughout the United States and Europe. Bethany has a BA (Hons) Fine Art Experimental Media from Prague College/Teeside University, graduated from the McNally College of Music and studied violin performance at the Conservatory of Music Lawrence University. Recent works include a series of interactive pop-up audio book installations based on her series of 8 short stories, 3 Names where she explores the process surrounding identity and the nature of lost, hidden, reassignment and acceptance of Name.
Click photo to enlarge.
 Photo-diary from recording in Kolín and Zásmuky (2010-2011). Photo by Jolana Havelková