

Echofluxx is a festival of new media, visual art, and experimental music produced by FMErá of Prague. This year it will again present international and Czech performers in a four-day festival at Paralelní Polis in Prague, May 2-5, 2018.

Echofluxx je festival nových médií, vizuálního umění a experimentální hudby produkované Efemera Prahy. Letos se opět představí mezinárodní i české interprety v čtyřdenním festivalem v Paralelní Polis v Praze, květen 2018 2-5.

Fix Media Works - Works for experimental video (1 channel) and sound (2 channels) selected by a panel of international adjudicators.

See Echofluxx 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11

Echofluxx, an annual PRAGUE festival of new media, visual art, and experimental music, requests submissions of experimental works for combined 1-channel video and 2-channel sound from artists of all ages. Approximately 1 hour of work will be presented throughout the festival as selected by an international panel of sound and video artists. Pieces of 10 minutes or less will be given preference. Up to three works may be submitted at $15 for the first and $10 each for additional work. Submission deadline is Sunday, March 18, 2018 with hirez resubmission files due in mid April. Works must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo for adjudication. Selected works will be delivered via services like WeTransfer.com and preferably in MP4 format.

Include the following information in email to: submission@echofluxx.org

1. Your name, phone, YouTube/Vimeo link of piece(s) plus personal website address if available.
2. Title of the piece(s), duration(s) and names/bios of all collaborators.
3. Performance history of submitted work(s).
4. Program notes for submitted work(s).
5. When making PayPal payment, include your name and  YouTube/Vimeo link(s) to connect payment and submitted work(s).

Three works may be submitted.

Festival Concept
The echo of the fluxus movement resonates in this time—a ongoing hedge against the exclusivity of discipline-specific art and music. Echofluxx, a festival of new media, art and music, presents a spectrum of new art and music, from experimental film and poetry, to experimental music and art. It uses an organic curatorial method, with artists suggesting artists who would like to present with other artists, and so on. The festival is made possible with the assistance of volunteer help and in-kind support.

Koncepce festivalu
Ozvěna Fluxus pohybu rezonuje v tomto časovém o probíhající zajištění proti exkluzivity disciplíny-specifické umění a hudby. Echofluxx, festival nových médií, umění a hudby, představuje spektrum nového umění a hudby, od experimentálního filmu a poezie až po experimentální hudbu a umění. Využívá organické kurátorský metodu, s umělci, což naznačuje, umělce, kteří by chtěli prezentovat s dalšími umělci, a tak dále. Festival je možné s pomocí dobrovolníků pomoc a in-laskavou podporu.

Still  from "No Man's Land" (Echofluxx 17)
by Cristobal Catalan.